Benefits of Air Purifiers

What are the main benefits of using an air purifier in my home?

Air purifiers significantly improve home air quality by removing pollutants, allergens, and toxins, creating a healthier living environment. They’re essential for individuals prioritising health and wellness in Canada, particularly in areas prone to pollution or wildfires.

How do air purifiers improve indoor air quality?

Air purifiers use advanced filtration systems, such as HEPA filters, to capture and remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, and smoke, effectively enhancing indoor air quality.

Can air purifiers help reduce the risk of respiratory diseases?

Yes, by filtering out harmful particles and pollutants, air purifiers can reduce the risk of respiratory conditions, offering significant health benefits to individuals with asthma or allergies.

Are air purifiers effective in removing pet dander and hair from the air?

Absolutely. Air purifiers designed with HEPA filters are highly effective in capturing pet dander, hair, and odors, making them a must-have for pet owners seeking to maintain clean air in their homes.

How do air purifiers benefit people with allergies or asthma?

Air purifiers provide relief to those with allergies or asthma by removing airborne allergens and irritants that can trigger symptoms, ensuring a cleaner breathing environment.

How do air purifiers benefit people with allergies or asthma?

Air purifiers provide relief to those with allergies or asthma by removing airborne allergens and irritants that can trigger symptoms, ensuring a cleaner breathing environment.

Can air purifiers eliminate or reduce household odors?

Yes, air purifiers with activated carbon filters are particularly effective at eliminating or significantly reducing household odors, including those from cooking, pets, and smoke, ensuring your home smells fresh.

Do air purifiers help in reducing the spread of airborne diseases?

By capturing airborne pathogens, air purifiers can reduce the spread of airborne diseases, making them an integral part of maintaining a healthier indoor environment, especially during flu season or outbreaks.

Do air purifiers help in reducing the spread of airborne diseases?

By capturing airborne pathogens, air purifiers can reduce the spread of airborne diseases, making them an integral part of maintaining a healthier indoor environment, especially during flu season or outbreaks.

How effective are air purifiers in combating smoke from wildfires and cigarettes?

Air purifiers with HEPA and activated carbon filters are extremely effective in removing smoke particles and odors from wildfires and cigarettes, vital for maintaining clean air during wildfire seasons or for homes with smokers.

How effective are air purifiers in combating smoke from wildfires and cigarettes?

Air purifiers with HEPA and activated carbon filters are extremely effective in removing smoke particles and odors from wildfires and cigarettes, vital for maintaining clean air during wildfire seasons or for homes with smokers.

What role do air purifiers play in removing dust and pollen from indoor air?

Air purifiers excel at filtering out dust and pollen, key triggers for allergy and asthma sufferers, thereby improving indoor air quality and providing relief from seasonal allergies.

What role do air purifiers play in removing dust and pollen from indoor air?

Air purifiers excel at filtering out dust and pollen, key triggers for allergy and asthma sufferers, thereby improving indoor air quality and providing relief from seasonal allergies.

Can using an air purifier improve sleep quality?

Yes, by removing allergens and pollutants that can irritate the respiratory system, air purifiers contribute to a cleaner sleeping environment, leading to improved sleep quality.

Are there any environmental benefits to using an air purifier?

While air purifiers primarily clean indoor air, they also contribute to a healthier environment by reducing the overall amount of pollutants and allergens that can affect outdoor air quality.

How do HEPA air purifiers differ from other types, and what are their unique benefits?

HEPA air purifiers surpass other types in their ability to capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. They are unparalleled in removing airborne pollutants, offering superior protection against allergens, dust, and smoke.

Choosing the Right Air Purifier

What factors should I consider when choosing an air purifier for my home?

Consider room size compatibility, filter type (HEPA, activated carbon), specific needs (allergies, pets, smoke), energy efficiency, and noise level. Identifying your primary concern, such as removing pet dander or combating smoke from wildfires, will guide your selection towards the most suitable air purifier. Our Sizing Guide is a great start. 

How do I know what size air purifier I need?

Match the air purifier’s coverage area to your room size. Manufacturers usually specify the maximum area in square feet. For optimal air quality, choose a purifier designed for a slightly larger area than your room. Our sizing chart is a great start.

Are HEPA filters really the best choice for air purifiers?

Yes, HEPA filters are considered the gold standard in air purification. They effectively capture 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, including pollen, dust, and smoke, making them ideal for improving indoor air quality.

How often do filters need to be replaced, and how does this affect my choice?

Filter life varies by model and usage but generally ranges from 3 to 12 months. Consider the cost and availability of replacement filters. A model with longer-lasting filters might offer better long-term value and convenience.

Can air purifiers handle both particulates and odors?

Yes, air purifiers equipped with both HEPA filters for particulates and activated carbon filters for odors can effectively remove airborne particles and neutralize odors, offering a comprehensive solution to indoor air quality issues.

What are the benefits of air purifiers with UV-C light technology?

UV-C light technology can kill bacteria and viruses, adding an extra layer of protection against airborne pathogens. It’s a beneficial feature for households looking to minimize the spread of illnesses.

What are the benefits of air purifiers with UV-C light technology?

UV-C light technology can kill bacteria and viruses, adding an extra layer of protection against airborne pathogens. It’s a beneficial feature for households looking to minimize the spread of illnesses.

How important is the noise level of an air purifier?

Noise level is crucial for comfort, especially in bedrooms or quiet spaces. Look for purifiers with a quiet operation or sleep mode feature to ensure a peaceful environment while purifying the air.

What does the CADR rating mean, and how does it influence my decision?

The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) measures the volume of clean air an air purifier produces per minute. A higher CADR rating indicates more efficient air cleaning capacity, making it a critical factor for rooms of all sizes.

HEPA Filters Explained

What is a HEPA filter and how does it work?

A High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter is designed to trap at least 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger in size. It works through a complex web of fibers that capture particles through interception, impaction, and diffusion. HEPA filters are the industry standard for air purifiers in Canada, offering superior air cleaning capabilities for homes and offices.

Why are HEPA filters considered the best option for air purifiers?

HEPA filters are deemed the best because of their proven efficiency in capturing a wide range of airborne pollutants, including dust, pollen, mold spores, and bacteria. This makes them exceptionally suitable for individuals with allergies, asthma, or those looking to significantly improve indoor air quality.

Can HEPA filters remove viruses and bacteria from the air?

Yes, HEPA filters can trap viruses and bacteria due to their small particle size. While not all viruses are removed, HEPA filters significantly reduce the concentration of airborne pathogens, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

How often should HEPA filters be replaced to maintain air purifier efficiency?

Typically, HEPA filters should be replaced every 12 to 18 months, depending on the air purifier’s model and usage. Regular replacement ensures the air purifier continues to operate at peak efficiency, maintaining clean indoor air.

Are all HEPA filters the same?

No, not all HEPA filters are the same. There are different types, such as True HEPA, HEPA Type, and Super HEPA, each with varying efficiencies and capabilities. True HEPA filters meet strict standards of capturing 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns.

Can HEPA filters eliminate odors and gases?

While HEPA filters excel at capturing particulate matter, they do not directly eliminate odors and gases. Combining a HEPA filter with an activated carbon filter can effectively remove both particles and odors, offering a comprehensive air purification solution.

Can HEPA filters eliminate odors and gases?

While HEPA filters excel at capturing particulate matter, they do not directly eliminate odors and gases. Combining a HEPA filter with an activated carbon filter can effectively remove both particles and odors, offering a comprehensive air purification solution.

Do HEPA filters help with allergies and asthma?

Absolutely. HEPA filters are highly effective in removing allergens and irritants from the air, such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander, making them ideal for individuals with allergies or asthma.

Air Purifiers and Wildfires

How effective are air purifiers in combating wildfire smoke?

Air purifiers equipped with HEPA and activated carbon filters are highly effective in combating wildfire smoke. They can remove the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that constitute wildfire smoke, significantly improving indoor air quality during such events.

What types of filters are best for wildfire smoke?

The best filters for wildfire smoke are True HEPA filters for particulates and activated carbon filters for gases and odors. This combination efficiently captures both the solid and gaseous components of wildfire smoke.

Can air purifiers filter out the harmful particles in wildfire smoke?

Yes, air purifiers with HEPA filters can filter out the harmful particles in wildfire smoke. These particles, including fine ash and soot, are captured by the filter, preventing them from circulating in your indoor air.

Should I run my air purifier all the time during wildfire season?

Yes, it’s advisable to run your air purifier continuously during wildfire season. This ensures the constant filtration of smoke particles and maintains clean indoor air, as outdoor air quality can change rapidly.

Should I run my air purifier all the time during wildfire season?

Yes, it’s advisable to run your air purifier continuously during wildfire season. This ensures the constant filtration of smoke particles and maintains clean indoor air, as outdoor air quality can change rapidly.

Do air purifiers help with the smell of wildfire smoke?

Absolutely. Air purifiers with activated carbon filters are especially effective in eliminating the distinct smell of wildfire smoke, along with other odors and gases, from the indoor environment.

Maintaining Your Air Purifier

How often should I clean or replace the filters in my air purifier?

Cleaning or replacing filters in your air purifier should be done according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, typically every 3 to 6 months for pre-filters and 12 to 18 months for HEPA filters. However, this can vary based on usage and air quality, so check your air purifier’s manual for specific recommendations.

Can I wash and reuse HEPA filters in my air purifier?

Most HEPA filters are not designed to be washed and reused, as water can damage the delicate fibres that capture pollutants. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to determine if your filter is reusable and how to properly clean it if so.

Air Purifiers for Allergies

How can air purifiers help with allergies?

Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters are highly effective in capturing and removing allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mould spores from indoor air, significantly reducing allergy symptoms and improving indoor air quality for allergy sufferers.

Can air purifiers remove pet allergies from the air?

Yes, air purifiers with HEPA filters are particularly effective at removing pet dander and hair, common triggers for allergy sufferers, from the air, making the indoor environment more comfortable for those with pet allergies.

Do air purifiers help with outdoor allergens that enter the home?

Absolutely. Air purifiers can help filter out outdoor allergens such as pollen that enter the home through open windows, doors, or on clothing, providing relief during allergy season.

Where is the best place to position an air purifier for allergies?

For maximum effectiveness, place the air purifier in areas where you spend most of your time, such as bedrooms or living rooms, and near common sources of allergens, ensuring it has enough space for unobstructed air circulation.

Can using an air purifier reduce my reliance on allergy medication?

Many individuals find that using an air purifier helps to significantly reduce allergy symptoms, potentially decreasing the need for allergy medication. However, you should consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your medication regimen.

The Science Behind Air Purification

How do air purifiers actually clean the air?

Air purifiers clean the air through a combination of filtration systems, most commonly using HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters to capture airborne particles and activated carbon to absorb odours and chemicals. Some models also incorporate UV-C light to kill bacteria and viruses, ensuring comprehensive air purification.

What is a HEPA filter, and why is it considered highly effective?

A HEPA filter is designed to trap at least 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger, including dust, pollen, mould spores, and bacteria. Its high efficiency is due to its dense mesh of fibres that captures particles through various mechanisms, making it a standard in air purification technology.

Can air purifiers remove odours as well as particulates?

Yes, air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters can effectively remove odours from cooking, pets, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in addition to particulate matter, by absorbing gases and smells from the air.

How does UV-C light in air purifiers contribute to air purification?

UV-C light has germicidal properties that can inactivate airborne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and mould spores by damaging their DNA, adding an extra layer of purification to the air cleaning process.

How effective are air purifiers against smoke and VOCs?

Air purifiers with a combination of HEPA and activated carbon filters are effective against smoke particles and VOCs. The HEPA filter captures the particulate phase of smoke, while the activated carbon filter absorbs the gaseous pollutants associated with smoke and VOCs.

Can air purifiers improve sleep quality?

Yes, by removing allergens and pollutants that can irritate the respiratory system and disrupt sleep, air purifiers can contribute to a cleaner, healthier bedroom environment, potentially improving sleep quality.

How do air purifiers support overall health?

Air purifiers support overall health by removing harmful pollutants from indoor air, reducing the risk of respiratory conditions, aiding in the management of allergies and asthma, and contributing to a cleaner living environment.

Air Purifiers and VOCs

What are VOCs, and why are they a concern in indoor air quality?

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are gases released from certain solids or liquids, including paints, cleaning supplies, and building materials. They can adversely affect indoor air quality and have been associated with health issues ranging from eye and respiratory tract irritation to more serious conditions like liver and kidney damage.

How do air purifiers help in reducing VOCs in the home?

Air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters are effective in reducing VOCs. The porous nature of activated carbon allows it to adsorb these gases, removing them from the indoor air and significantly improving air quality.

Can all air purifiers remove VOCs, or are specific types needed?

Not all air purifiers can remove VOCs effectively. Purifiers with HEPA filters are excellent for particulate matter but not for gases like VOCs. To combat VOCs, look for air purifiers that have a substantial activated carbon filter designed specifically for gas adsorption.

What features should I look for in an air purifier to ensure it can handle VOCs?

For VOC removal, seek air purifiers that include a large activated carbon filter or specially designed VOC filters. Additionally, check for certifications or testing results that indicate the purifier’s effectiveness against gases and chemicals.

Can VOCs be completely eliminated from indoor air?

While it’s challenging to completely eliminate VOCs from indoor air, using a high-quality air purifier with an activated carbon filter can significantly reduce their concentration, improving indoor air quality and reducing health risks.

What health benefits can I expect from reducing VOCs in my home?

Reducing VOC levels can lead to better respiratory health, fewer allergy and asthma symptoms, reduced risk of chronic health issues associated with long-term VOC exposure, and overall improved well-being.

What health benefits can I expect from reducing VOCs in my home?

Reducing VOC levels can lead to better respiratory health, fewer allergy and asthma symptoms, reduced risk of chronic health issues associated with long-term VOC exposure, and overall improved well-being.

How do air purifiers compare to other methods for reducing VOC exposure?

Air purifiers with activated carbon filters are among the most effective ways to reduce VOC exposure indoors, especially when combined with natural ventilation and choosing low-VOC products. While not the only method, they play a crucial role in maintaining clean indoor air.

How do air purifiers compare to other methods for reducing VOC exposure?

Air purifiers with activated carbon filters are among the most effective ways to reduce VOC exposure indoors, especially when combined with natural ventilation and choosing low-VOC products. While not the only method, they play a crucial role in maintaining clean indoor air.

Air Purifiers in the Fight Against COVID-19

Can air purifiers capture COVID-19 virus particles?

Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters are capable of capturing particles as small as 0.3 microns with a 99.97% efficiency, which includes particles in the size range of the COVID-19 virus. While air purifiers can reduce the concentration of airborne virus particles, they should be used in conjunction with other recommended measures like physical distancing and mask-wearing.

What type of air purifier is most effective against COVID-19?

The most effective air purifiers against COVID-19 are those with True HEPA filters and UV-C light technology. HEPA filters can capture virus particles, and UV-C light has been shown to inactivate viruses, offering an added layer of protection.

What type of air purifier is most effective against COVID-19?

The most effective air purifiers against COVID-19 are those with True HEPA filters and UV-C light technology. HEPA filters can capture virus particles, and UV-C light has been shown to inactivate viruses, offering an added layer of protection.

How does UV-C light in air purifiers help fight against COVID-19?

UV-C light in air purifiers can inactivate viruses, including the COVID-19 virus, by damaging their DNA or RNA, preventing them from replicating. This technology adds an extra level of virus protection in indoor environments.

Should air purifiers be used in homes or offices to prevent COVID-19 transmission?

Using air purifiers in homes can be part of a comprehensive approach to reduce potential airborne transmission of COVID-19, especially in spaces where adequate ventilation is not possible. They are particularly beneficial in households and workplaces with vulnerable individuals.

Can air purifiers replace the need for ventilation in reducing COVID-19 transmission?

While air purifiers can significantly improve air quality by filtering out virus particles, they should not replace the need for proper ventilation. Increasing outdoor air exchange remains a key recommendation in reducing COVID-19 transmission indoors.